When you receive your Abdominal Therapy Treatment, remember it’s not just a massage it’s a treatment! This therapy gives you the knowledge to take your health literally into your own hands. It really isn’t just a treat because you will learn how to perform Your Abdominal Massage on yourself daily.

Abdominal Therapy Treatments
Steeped in ancient Maya traditions and techniques, that Rosita Arvigo researched and training she received from her Maya masters. Combining these with her own techniques and knowledge learnt during studying for her PhD in Naprapathy. The treatment starts with a deep whole back massage, followed with an external abdominal massage. Then there’s the other complementary modalities to enhance the treatment. Abdominal massage stimulates circulation and blood flow within the abdominal area and its organs.

Rosita & Jacqueline after receiving my advanced training
About Abdominal Therapy Treatments
nb. For those who menstruate, book your treatment between days 5 and 13 of your cycle. Preferably do not book an initial treatment whilst you are bleeding or between ovulation and your next menses.
What happens during an Abdominal Therapy Treatment
Pre Treatment Online Consultation 1 hour optional
Due to today’s climate, we are being asked to keep direct contact time to the minimum. To do this, your consultation can take place on the phone via ZOOM, Face time or WhatsApp. Prior to consultation, please complete as much as you can of Your Health Story and email it to me.
During our telephone conversation, I will have gathered a comprehensive amount of information. Especially from the consultation form. Giving me an insight into your past and present healthcare needs. This will enable us to focus on your problems, and piece together a treatment plan to start improving your health. It will also give us the opportunity to answer your questions.
What to expect during an Abdominal Therapy session:
Initial Treatment – allow 2 to 2½ Hours
- Once our chat is completed, and you are ready, the treatment can begin.
- Firstly, I will assess the positioning of your spine, hips, and sacrum. A lot of abdominal issues can start with you tripping over, consequently putting your back and hips slightly out of alignment.
- Next you will receive a thorough massage to your back, sacrum and hips, freeing up the back. Softening the muscles, ligaments, tendons and releasing the joints. Helping the back to return to a stable position, to realign itself. It’ll also stimulate flow of energy, circulation, and nerve supply to the organs of the abdomen.
- For the next part of the treatment, you need to turn over, because I need you laying on your back. Your back will be supported with a pillow under your knees, and any other support that makes you comfortable.
- Upper and lower abdominal massage performed helping to further improve circulation, lymphatic drainage and a healthy nerve supply to abdominal organs.
- Once you’re back in your body, it’s time to teach you ‘THE ABDOMINAL MASSAGE’.
- Together we will perform the simple massage as I give you instructions on how to perform it on yourself.
- You will be sent a PDF detailed handouts for you to refer to when at home. Then you can practice at home with confidence, this will enhance your professional sessions.
- I will also give you relevant instruction in the complementary modalities that we use in this therapy to assist us in our work and help maintain your health.
- There’s detailed handouts for these procedures, too.
Evaluation of body posture

Both male and female clients. I’ll assess your pelvis, because if it’s out of alignment slightly, it can contribute towards your problems.
Therefore, this needs taking into account when assessing your ailments and treatment plan. During the treatment, I gently work the pelvis to free the sacrum which can sometimes help to correct alignment.
Your Abdominal Massage

Now you know how to perform THE ABDOMINAL MASSAGE on yourself. Practice the massage daily, when at home to increase your benefits. The more work you do enhances your professional sessions leading to better results.
“With half the work you only get half the results”
Rosita Arvigo
Follow up Abdominal Therapy Treatments allow 1 to 1½ hours
- On arrival, we will review and check out what changes you have experienced since your last Treatment.
- Next, you will receive a full Abdominal Therapy Treatment.
- Then, I will review your abdominal massage techniques, correcting hand positions and strokes if necessary.
- Finally, at this time we’ll discuss any concerns you may have and answering your questions.
Online Treatment & Training in Abdominal Therapy

Online training 3 to 3½ hours, split into 2 sessions
Let’s get started straight away. There’s an added advantage to this, I will teach you The Abdominal Massage whilst we’re talking. This means you can begin your daily treatments straight away and not have to wait until we meet.
For more information, go to the Online massage page
In addition to the massage, I will introduce you to the complimentary modalities that we use in our treatments. They complement and support this work and your health and wellness.
Complimentary Modalities
I can only recommend these Supportive modalities based on my qualification, and my scope of practice. I know they work and safe to use, I will not recommend if I have any concerns about you using them, it’s your choice if you use them.
Wanting more information click on each of the links
The Faja

The wearing of a traditional lower abdominal supportive wrap. During our sessions, I will teach you how to tie it correctly, and when not to wear it. This is excellent where both abdominal and back problems exist, good for all genders. I have an information sheet for you that fully explains all you need to know about the Faja
Pelvic Steam

Known in some cultures as a Bojo, or Yoni steam. It’s a steam bath made from dried herbs, which help to warm and soothe the internal organs. The heat gently increases blood flow, aiding the body to absorb the plant’s oils. Because of the properties found in these oils they can help to maintain optimum function of the organs. Great to use before any internal examinations, it helps soften the tissues. For example, to fit a coil the cervix is softer making it easier to insert.
Castor Oil Packs

Like many traditional healing plants, we have used them for thousands of years. The Egyptians kept records of castor oil’s use 4,000 years ago. Used where there’s pain, inflammation, scar tissue and toxins found. It is a very simple procedure, that you will certainly enjoy using at home as part of the treatment. I often use a pack during treatments if there is a lot of pain, swelling or inflammation.
How many sessions will I need?
Typically, it takes 2 or 3 professional Abdominal Therapy Treatments, to feel any benefits. In most disciplines it takes 5 to 6 treatments or more to feel and experiences the changes. Your Abdominal Massage at home is a vital component of the overall treatment. It enhances the work you receive from me. To help maintain health ideally you need to have regular monthly treatments.
Booking an Abdominal Therapy Treatment
Abdominal Therapy Training.
Courses available at jacksfeet for more information, click on the link to Abdominal Therapy Training

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