Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Masage prenatal Pernatal postnatali
Pregnancy Massage

I trained with Rosita Arvigo in advanced Pregnancy Massage treatment. Because I want to work with you throughout your journey from maiden to motherhood, from conception to birth and beyond.

pregnancy massage

The History of Abdominal Therapies Pregnancy Massage

In the 1960s, Rosita Arvigo started The abdominal massage work in Mexico, It was when she moved to Belize, that she studied and worked closely with the Naturalist Midwives.  They taught her many of the skills that she’s passed onto me and which I now do for you.

Whilst working with Don Elijio a famous Maya healer and shaman, Rosita became especially close to Miss Hortence Robinson and Miss Juana Shish. These naturist midwives performed abdominal massage as part of their care for pregnant mothers, using special techniques to help throughout the different stages of pregnancy and during delivery. These adapted techniques, Rosita now teaches them in the ATC’s Advanced Pregnancy Massage Course.

What does Pregnancy Massage Do?

  1. This work connects mother and baby,
  2. It also helps to support the uterus,
  3. Placenta positioning for the baby.  
  4. When the baby is due, some techniques help during a delivery.  
  5. The additional modalities that I use help at different times during the pregnancy in maintaining health for both mums and babies.
  6. Post-partum, all the ‘Your Abdominal Massage techniques’ help in restoring the Uterus to its optimum position.
  7. Because massage tightens loose and loosens tight muscles and ligaments. As a result of practising this massage, it strengthens and shortens the stretched ligaments. Therefore, helping them to return to their ‘normal’ length, thus helping to keep the uterus in an optimal position and alignment.
  8. The increased blood supply to the ovaries and uterus helps to bring balance back to the ovaries, both the hormones and the menstrual cycle.
  9. Cleansing of the uterus post-partum. To help prevent the retention of debris after birthing. The pelvic steam is exceptionally effective in helping with this. Contact Jac to learn how to do this.

The Treatment

The Treatment

Compared to an Abdominal Therapy Massage, the Pregnancy Massage is an advanced adaptation. I will replace some deeper moves with strokes that will aid babies development and placement. Also, the baby and mum like them “Miss Hortence”.

Why do you do that move?

“because she likes it”!

Miss Hortence

First Trimester

Seated Massage Pregnancy Massage

Most mums prefer not to have a massage during this time. Although pregnant mums have had massages during this time quite safely who haven’t realised they are pregnant.

At this time, it’s safe to perform the upper abdominal work and the back work.

Second Trimester

I can perform the back massage whilst you can lay on your abdomen. Subsequently, once it’s not an option, then I will perform the massage with you laying sideline well-supported with pillows or seated in a massage chair.

Pregnancy massage Red Faja
The Faja

As the baby grows and becomes heavier, you may like to wear a faja. A special belt worn by the Maya that supports the back and mums abdominal organs and muscles. Subsequently, helping prevent over stretching of the muscles and ligaments through giving the muscles and ligaments extra support.

Wearing of red around the lower abdomen protects the base and sacral chakra’s.

Third Trimester

pregnancy massage

Babies absolutely love this time, the feel of their mothers and fathers touch.

Talk to the baby, tell them about yourself and that you’re waiting for them and everything’s prepared. You’re ready, and waiting, to meet them.

For the mother, it helps keep your organs healthy, improving the blood flow to them and helping to relieve the pressure on them from babies weight. Even just for a few seconds makes a difference,


Pelvic steam pregnancy Massage
Link to Pelvic Steam

During delivery, there are strokes that can help mother with the delivery, they help the pelvis to open. Again, it’s a time when we use the pelvic steam. The massage and the steam helps to relieve pain in the early stages of labour. As labour progress, the pelvic steam helps the cervix and perineum to relax, making the birthing easier.

Miss Hortence would always used pelvic steams during birthing.

At a midwifery conference where Miss Hortence was a guest Speaker in America, she was asked what did she do when a woman rips. After Rosita explained the question to Miss Hortence in her broken English, she answered, “I ain’t had no woman rip”.

 Miss Hortence was known as  “Mil Secretos” or the lady of A Thousand Secrets.

Post Partum

Pregnancy Massage Baby Reflexology

By the way, after babies birth, this work helps especially with

  • After birth, the ligaments can tale up to 3 years to fully recover, Because of the increase in blood supply when applying Your Abdominal Massage helps ligament repair. Also, the organs return to their correct positions.
  • Used post-partum, Your Abdominal Massage and Pelvic Steams are useful because they help to clear the uterus of any debris left behind from the placenta.
  • Pelvic steam and castor oil packs to the Liver can help with heavy bleeding. You must follow instructions closely that I will give you during training or a treatment.
  • Finally, it helps everyone through the recovery period.

Post Treatment Care

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Specific to this Treatment

  • Where you can rest and put your feet up, perhaps even get someone to drop you off and pick you up afterwards.
  • Use Pelvic Steams and castor oil packs ONLY as instructed.
  • I’m always open to you asking lots of questions and seeking advice.
  • For more information, clink on link to post treatment care.

How to book

How to book
Link to how to book Information
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Link to Jac’s online booking system

Relevant Training Available in Your Pregnancy Massage

ABdominal Therapy Training

I do a one-day, course in Your pregnancy health

  • It covers the changes taking place in your body
  • You will learn Your abdominal Massage and how to perform it safely on yourself during pregnancy.
  • In addition, I cover all you need to know about the other modalities, When and how to use them, the faja, pelvic steam, and castor oil packs
  • Want to know more, click on the link Your Pregnancy.

Other information

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