Facial Training

The ten-minute facial training.  For those of us with very little time, and always on the go. On this one-day training course, you will learn how to make your own masks and scrubs. How to perform a facial massage in yourself and more.

Jacksfeet’s Ten Minute Facial Training


Ten minute facial training
Looking after our skin using natural products

This workshops full of information, you will learn how to care for your skin, using all-natural and replenishable products.  Suitable for all regardless of gender, age or beliefs.  No prior training required,  for personal use only.

How does it work?

  • The base oils we use almond oil, coconut oil, peach Kernal.  All have similar properties to our own sebum (the natural oil our skin makes). Because of this, the skin can absorb them really easily, carrying essential oils into the body. 
  • We use these oils for cleansing and moisturisers. They can soften blackheads making their removal easier.
  • Because of the oils we\re using we do not strip the skin of its natural oil, it helps to balance the natural oil production.
  • Therefore preventing the overproduction of natural oil, and increases the production of oil in dry flaky skin.
  • Together this helps to prevent pores from becoming blocked. Consequently leading to the formation of comedones, Also helps to reduce inflammation and infection (yellow heads).
  • The right combination of oils helps to reduce scarring and prevent new scarring.

About the course

This one-day facial training course covers Jacksfeet’s 7 stages to a facial.

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10 minute facial
  1.  Skin analysis, what’s your skin type?  Tackling blemishes.
  2. Cleansing, what oil to use, and how to cleanse.
  3. Scrubs, let’s make our own.
  4. Masks, we’ll make natural masks, the ones that suit your skin type.
  5. Tone, Natural toners cost very little and last forever because we use them diluted
  6. Massage helps to tone the skin and muscles of the face.
  7. Moisturise, keep your skin looking young, fresh and toned, use oils that feed the skin

Important information on the course Facial Training

Facial Training Fullers earth Seaweed masks

  • This facial training covers common complaints that our facial skin can suffer from, for example, comedones and acne.  
  • Thread veins and High colouring
  • Learn how we can control these problems naturally. 
  • The 5 minutes cleanse routines, included is a facial massage that you can perform on yourself.
  • Use it every day twice a day.  This will help to improve your facial skins, texture; tone; and general condition.

Why 10 minutes Facial?

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    Its called the ten-minute facial because when just cleansing the skin it only takes 5 minutes. 

  • Once you include the scrub and mask the routine takes longer.  
  • It takes just 10 minutes if you have the time to leave the mask in situ for 15 – 20 minutes.
  •  This will make sure you achieve better results.

Where’s the Course held?

Like all my courses you have three choices

  1. In the comfort of your own home, a friends house, if there is a few of you at a centre. 
  2. Pre-booked ones at Jacksfeet’s centre. 
  3. It’s possible to hold them anywhere, as I have all the mobile equipment needed to teach.

When is the Course?

The course runs when you want it, at a convenient time for you.  Book the course in advance and I will come to you.  We can arrange for the course to run on a weekday or weekend.  During school time out of school time.  Let the kids join in, they will learn how to do it for themselves.

Included in the course for Facial Training

Included in the course

I have easy to read detailed handouts, for you to keep and make notes on.  All the products required for use on the course.  You can also buy packages of products for personal use at home.  Hot and cold drinks and snacks.

What do I need?

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What do I bring

You may want to bring your own pens, pencils and paper for note-taking.  Wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict your movement. We will use oil on the course so please wear clothes you don’t mind getting oily.  Slippers or thick socks to wear during the course, in the training room.  If you have special dietary requirements please bring your own food with you.

Booking on the course

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Course application

Fill in the application form, list the dates, and venue that interest you.  Ask any further questions you may have.  Once you have submitted an application form I can contact you.  We can discuss and finalise the course details, venue, student numbers and costs.

Pre-booked courses

Book nowButton to shedulAdvertised in several places, Ticket Source is one of them.  Click on the link to see the pre-booked courses.  Besides, if you know the date of the course you can book your place on shedul.

Cost of the Course and how to pay

Jacksfeet Training PricesClick on the link to see the prices for this facial training course. Once you have contacted me with confirmation of venue, dates and times, I will contact you about how to pay.



Other facial Information

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Button everyday facial
Pamper & event facial
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button Masks & Scrubs facials

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