Storytime as told by Jacqueline

Storytime. An account of things that are meaningful and have happened to me throughout my life.  Storytelling is one of my favourite pastimes, and the feelings and emotions I feel whilst revisiting them, to read a story click on the thumbnail.  I’d love you to read on……..


Let us begin where it all started because its a great palce to Start!

1959 One Cold Winter Night

One of my favourite Storytime stories

Storytime one cold winters night
One Cold Winter Night link to the full story

It was a dark, cold winter night, the snow lay thick on the ground even the road was white with snow…………….

The Power of Touch

How massage continues to Knock me sideways

Button for the power of touch
Link to full story The Power of Touch

To share the power of touch.  Many years ago I was exhibiting at a mind body spirit festival, and a young woman came up to me, with her was her daughter of 4 years old and her mother …………

The Shop Bell Tinkled

This storytime is about a year-long phenomenal journey

button for the storytime  shop bell
Shop Bell Tinkled

One day I heard the shop bell tinkle, tinkle, announcing the arrival of someone. I had no booking for that time this meant an unexpected visitor, in the doorway stood a very frail badly bent elderly lady………….

One Morning 2002

The damage to my own body and the cure

button to story time No hands massage
Link to One Morning 2002

I awoke one morning crying, red hot tears streaming down my face and afraid to look at what I knew I was going to see. In 2002 I retrained with  Gerry Pyves, the founder of No Hands Massage…………………

Painful Foot

A fulling storytime for me and my client

Click here and Link to Story

I’d received a text “Can you do a one foot treatment tomorrow for me please?” I smiled to myself, chuckling under my breath (“It doesn’t work like that”). Then texted them back, Yes of course I can!  We decided on the time and now it’s time to wait until I saw and felt the foot as I had no plan.


Anaminity: to protect the individual I have therefore names have been changed and to keep their identity anonymous