Masks and Scrubs

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I only use natural Masks and Scrubs, as a result of this we can achieve great outcomes. It’s well documented the effects these chosen products have on the skin and hair. Many cultures have used these products for 1,000 of years.

About Masks and Scrubs

Witch Hazel
Watch Hax=zel

Safe and easy to use, I make a paste of the masks using almond or grapeseed oil, if you want a mask that doesn’t dry. For a more astringent mask use witch hazel or rose water resulting in it drying out. Hydrating masks I use aloe vera or yoghurt. On the other hand, when you use oil it’s warmed then applied to the face, hands, feet or hair.

How they work

Fullers Earth Masks and Scrubs

Fullers Earth, a natural product that has the ability to absorb large amounts of oil. Subsequently making it ideal for use on greasy skin and hair. Another amazing thing about fullers earth it has the ability to absorb chemicals that can burn and irritate the skin. Making it an ideal product to use where there are rashes and irritation caused by sweat, urine and faeces. For example nappy rash, it will absorb the acids in our urine and faeces taking them away from the skin and allowing the skin to heal.

An effective cleanser, because of the chemicals that make up this product it cleanses by removing dirt and chemicals that build up on our skin. this leads to the blocking of pores and causing comedones and white heads, leading on to acne

As a result of the properties in fullers earth it helps to treat

Fullers Earth Masks and scrubs
Fullers Earth
  • Acne psoriasis eczema – gentle exfoliate
  • Dry, flaky, itchy skin and scalp – dandruff
  • Greasy skin and scalp – balances
  • Weak hair and split ends, improves blood supply to hair follicles
  • Nappy rash

Effects on the skin and hair

  1. Balance sebum production, balances the ph of the skin
  2. Moisturise the skin, scalp & hair, soften and straighten the hair
  3. Unblock pores, prevent blackheads and whiteheads
  4. Reduce scaring
  5. Ability to absorb chemicals
Ingredients Fukkers Earth Masks and Scrubs
Ingredients Fullers earth

Oats Masks and Scrubs

Good for the inside and outside of us. Feeds us both internally and externally. It is full of elements, minerals and properties that aid development, growth and metabolism. Good for bones and cellular structure, an antioxidant, that’s good for the heart. The thiamine found in oats is needed to make red blood cells, needed to carry oxygen around the body. Assists in maintaining a healthy immune system, mental health and longevity

Good for helping to treat

Oats masks and scrubs
Whole Oats
  • Acne psoriasis eczema  – exfoliate
  • Dry, flaky, itchy skin and scalp – dandruff
  • Greasy skin and scalp – balances
  • Weak hair

Effects on the skin and hair

  1. Balance sebum production
  2. Moisturise the skin, scalp & hair
  3. Unblock pores, prevent blackheads and whiteheads
  4. Detox and reduce inflammation
Masks and scrubs ingredients oats
Ingredients of Oats

Seaweed Masks and Scrubs

Like Oats seaweed is both good to eat and to use topically. Like oats, it’s full of important minerals, elements and vitamins, It has properties that can protect us from free radicals, reduce high blood sugars, blood pressure and cholesterol.

Good for helping to treat

masks & scrubs Seaweed
  • Acne psoriasis eczema – exfoliate
  • Dry, flaky, itchy skin and scalp – dandruff
  • Greasy skin and scalp – balances
  • Weak hair, chemically damaged hair

Effects on the skin and hair

  1. Slow down skin ageing process
  2. Moisturise the skin, scalp & hair
  3. Unblock pores, prevent blackheads and whiteheads
  4. Preserves hair follicles for longer – longer hair
Masks and Scrubs seaweed ingredients
Seaweed Ingredients

Using Masks and scrubs

  • As a rule, you should only mask and scrub the maximum of once a week.
  • Once the skin has improved you can cut this down to 3 – 5 weekly. You can over-exfoliate and dry out the skin. Causing dull, thick skin.
  • To dry a spot out you can just put the mask on the spot take care not to dry out the surrounding skin.
  • You must be aware of allergies these products do contain ingredients that you may be allergic to.
  • It may be advisable to have a skin test 48 hours prior to having a mask or scrub.

How to contact me

3 Main ways of contacting me

  1. Fill in the request form and submit it to me, when I receive it I will make contact and answer your questions.
  2. Contact me direct, by Phone, text, messenger or messenger.
  3. If you know what treatment you would like you can go straight on line and book at Shedul

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